周萍 | Ping Zhou
周萍,河南信阳人,工学硕士。2021年7月-2021年10月作为交流生加入stoddart分子科学研究中心,主要研究方向为超分子结构筑及电输运性质调控。并于2022年6月毕业于厦门大学化学化工学院获得工学硕士学位,导师为洪文晶教授。于2022年7月作为博士生正式加入stoddart分子科学研究中心,研究方向为单分子反应动力学及操纵,超分子电子学,导师为陈洪亮研究员和Fraser Stoddart教授。
Ping Zhou was born and grew up in Xinyang, Henan Province, and got the Master Degree of Engineering from the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Xiamen University. From July 2021 to October 2021, she joined stoddart Molecular Science Research Center as an exchange student, focusing on supramolecular structure construction and regulation of electric transport properties. In July 2022, she officially joined stoddart Molecular Science Research Center as a PhD, focusing on single molecule reaction kinetics and manipulation, supramolecular electronics, and his supervisors are Researcher Chen Hongliang and Professor Fraser Stoddart.